Wanted Ads for puppies and dogs on pups4sale.com.au
Wanted Ads / Ad Alerts / Listing Filters - Free!

At pups4sale.com.au, we have a much more user friendly approach to wanted ads than any other classified site in Australia.
Sites that accept wanted ads often result in the advertiser being annoyed by unnecessary and unwelcome contacts. In our experience, people often reply to wanted ads trying to sell the advertiser totally unrelated goods and/or services.
So, instead of wanted ads, we have "Ad Alerts", also known as "Listing Filters". To place your Ad Alert/Listing Filter:
Register on our site here.
. Once registered, login to your account and you will see a columns of options in front of you on the left hand side of the "My Account" main page.
. Scroll down the list to the "My listing filters" tab, and click it.
. Now click on the "Add new filter" tab, fill out the fields you want our site to monitor for and let our system do the rest!
. Set as many Ad Alerts/Listing Filters as you like, and modify or cancel them whenever you need to.
Our system will automatically send an email to your registered email address, notifying you when an ad has been placed that matches the type of puppy you're seeking.
You can then click on the link in the email and view the ad at your leisure. YOU then decide whether you want to contact the seller, meaning you do not need to be annoyed by unnecessary emails or phone calls. We think it's the only way to go, and we're sure once you've tried it you will too
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by clicking here, as we are always glad to assist.