Thanks to Brendon & Diane Wilkinson and Geoff Hook for the photos of Patterdale Terriers used on this page.

Breed information: |
Adult weight range: 5-6kg/11-13lbs |
Average lifespan: 11-13 years |
Adult height at shoulder: Males & Females: 30cm/11.5" |
Average weekly cost: $20 |
Colour: The coat of this breed of dog comes in red, brown, black and black & tan. |
Grooming: Patterdale Terriers require little grooming except for an occasional brushing. |
History: The breed originated in Northern England, and this is where most are still found today. It was developed to hunt rodents and other small vermin. |
Positives: Patterdale Terriers are excellent working dogs, like many of their small terrier counterparts. |
Negatives: They are not suited to sedentary lifestyles. If not used as a working dog, they need plenty of exercise. |